

Deviation Actions

Dowlphin's avatar

Literature Text

The crazed responds to violence with more violence.
The righteous responds to violence with equal violence.
The just responds to violence with less violence.
The tired responds to violence with no violence.
The fearless responds to violence with love.

The crazed views the righteous as pompous, the just as foolish, the tired as scum and the fearless as lunatics.
The righteous views the crazed as competition, the just as dangerous, the tired as irrelevant and the fearless as offensive.
The just views the crazed as dangerous, the righteous as extremist, the tired as naive and the fearless as delusional.
The tired views the crazed as hopeless, the righteous as saddening, the just as disappointing and the fearless as powerless.
The fearless views the crazed, the righteous, the just and the tired as in need of love.

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